Ukraine Cup of volleyball was won by the team from KPI

The strongest ukrainian volleyball team from KPI, which last year has won a gold medal champions in VI National Games veterans sports, has won the Cup of Ukraine 2015 and became known as a champion team "professors of KPI", this year also proved the status of the strongest team not only in Ukrain

Competitions in gymnastics 2016

In the sports complex of our university on April 20-21, competitions in gymnastics were held within as a part of the NTUU "KPI" Spartakiade. According to experts, the KPI is the only higher educational institution in Ukraine, where such competitions are held.

Rector's Cup soccer among employees 2016

May 24th was the final of the Cup of Rector "KPI" among employees, in which took part the teams of faculties / institutes and departments "KPI". This tournament is held the second consecutive year and has already become traditional.

Shaping competition

The competition, held upon the Olympics Program of the "KPI", was attended by 85 students of FBMI, FMF, FL, HTF, FMM, FEL, ITC, FPM, fax, MMI, PTI, FIVT, FAT, VPI, IASA, IMD, FBT, IEE. The main aim of the competition is the popularization of sports and healthy lifestyle.

Learning to fly

Travelling in air not as a passenger but independently, is possible with many types of vehicles, lighter or heavier than air. In order to enjoy the free flight, you must first learn how to fly. In the club delta sport of NTUU KPI "Altair" you are taught to fly on hang-gliders.

KPI team is a champion of climbing in Ukraine

The tenth climbing championship of Ukraine among students (type of program - bouldering) was held on February, 19-21 in Kryvyi Rih. 70 strongest athletes - representatives of 14 universities come to measure dexterity.

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