Paradise apple trees at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

Polytechnicians are already accustomed to the fact that the apple tree, among other trees, is the roundabout of the first building. Another tree of the same beauty grows behind the seventh building. As if in a fairy tale, they please the eye from early spring to late autumn.

Help for birds

The cold is coming again, and it is a difficult period of survival in the life of the birds. Some of them fly away to the warm and rich sites of the land, and those that remain during winter, need our help. A real-life gift for birds can be feeders, placed by caring people in the parks.

Sakura for Kyiv polytechnic

On the occasion of 25th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Japan and Ukraine in terms of Year of Japan in Ukraine a sakura alley was planted onsite National technical university of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute” on 12 April.

Third Diplomatic Mission Cross-Country Skis Cup

In January, 29 regular visitors of Igor Sikorsky KPI Park for a while became fans and some of them even participants of skiing competition. This time fans of skiing competed for Diplomatic mission cross-country skis.

The arch has been opened!

An entry group – architecture construction at the entrance of university campus from Yangelia street leading to Park alley was officially unveiled in NTUU “KPI” on 18th of December

Beautiful & Useful

“Girls, what a bride I’ve just met”, – with such an exclamation ran into the room young co-worker. (We are working in the main building, windows look toward the central entrance that is why we got used to the numerous wedding photosessions).

Honeysuckle. In the shadow of the first building

There are a huge amount of different plants grow on the territory of our park. “When walking along the territory of KPI two times slower, it is possible to see four times more”, - noticed a colleague, observing unknown bush on the corner of the campus (from the side of the counting house).

Magonia – relative of barberries

 “Kyiv polytechnic” already told about beautiful decorative bush of barberries growing near rector’s wing. But here, close to the entrance to “Alma-mater” café its dimwitted cousin is situated – Magonia padybolysta (Mahonia Agguifolium Nutt.) or American barberries, or Oregon grape.

White willow: fragile and mysterious

We have become accustomed to numerous photo shoots on the background of the university’s first building. It was portrayed in many angles. And the invariable attribute of summer photos is the look through the spruce branches or fragile greens almost century-old willows.

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