Our library is on Hoverla

   Climbing Hoverla, the highest mountain in Ukrainian Carpathians, sometimes is called as an extreme type of rest. To walk up the height of 2061m above a sea level is a difficult trial. You need to show a will-power and ardour.

To the 100th year from H.Denysenko`s birthday (video)

The scientific readings which is dedicated to the 100th year from the birthday of university`s rector (1971-1987) of H.I.Denysenko (1919 - 1998), was passing in 24th April in the Scientific and technical library of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, that carries his name.

Seminar`s about access to EbscoHost`s texts

If you want to find information about science in different fields it is important to use reliable and good quality informational resources, that will give you an opportunity to make up the bibliography of the field, determine quotations and some periodical editions that publish the results of different researches etc. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute cares about giving the researchers an opportunity to use the best international and authoritative database for their work

Digital tools for academic excellence

For the second consecutive year the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, having successfully passed a competitive selection among higher education institution and scientific institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science for prepayment at the expense of the state budget of access t

From the history of Kyiv bridges

The lecture about the history of Kyiv bridges and the role of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in their creation by famous Kyiv historian Valery Lysenko was the ending of December cycle of historical studios ‘Think about it’, organized by NTB of G.

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