Shtaerman Ilya Yakovich

I.J. Shtaerman (1891-1962) - Ph.D., professor, an expert in the field of mechanics, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939). The scientific activity of I.J. Shtaerman was formed under the leadership of Professor of Mechanics University of Kiev P.V. Voronets.

Putyata Tatyana Vasilievna. Biography

T.V.Putyata was born December 17, 1905 in Kiev. In 1921 she was enrolled in the Higher Institute of Education (now - Kyiv Taras Shevchenko State University). Along with training she began her labor activity. In 1925 she graduated from KSU.

Kotelnikov Alexander Petrovich. Biography

A.P. Kotelnykov (1865-1944) - PhD, Professor, specialist in theoretical mechanics, a distinguished ,Researcher of the USSR (1934), belonged to the dynasty of famous mathematicians. He was the Laureate of State Prize USSR (1943).

Research teaching fellow - 2007

The list of the academic teaching staff of the university, who according to the decision of the Academic board of NTUU "KPI" on January 14, 2008, were admitted as the winners in nominations " Research teaching fellow - 2007" and "Young Research teaching fellow -2017 ".

Chelomey Volodymir Mykolaiovich

Volodymir Mykolaiovich Chelomey was born in June 30, 1914 in Sidlets town of Pryvislyanski district (modern Poland) in the family of teachers. Soon the First World War burst out and Chelomey family moved to Poland.

Tymoshenko Stepan Prokopovych

Tymoshenko Stepan Prokopovych is a professor, academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (11.14.1918), dean of the mechanical and engineer construction faculty of Kiev polytechnic institute (1909-1911), head of the faculty of the materials strength in Kiev polytechnic institute (1906-1908)

The origins of the Ukrainian aviation

December 17, 2003 was one hundred years from the time when the brothers Orvill and Wilbur Wright made the first manned flight on the airplane engine "Flayer -1". The range of the first flight was 37 meters and it lasted 12 seconds. That brief flight opened a new era in human history.

Semen Isaakovich Tetelbaum - outstanding polytechnic

Among the prominent Soviet scientists in electronics the place of pride belongs to the correspondent member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR Semen Isaakovich Tetelbaum (1910-1958) - a graduate of the KPI, professor, head of department, dean of the faculty. S.I.

Famous alumni FPE: to the 65th anniversary of the Faculty

Preparing engineers, metallurgists in the Kiev Polytechnic Institute started in the early years of the twentieth century. The organizer of the metallurgy specialty and the head of the department for about a quarter of a century was Vasily Petrovich Izhevsky (1863-1926).

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