Smoking kills!

There is no need to list all the facts so that a sensible person may find out the harm of smoking. Firstly, about 25% of smokers die of cancer, heart diseases or a stroke.

At the foothold Bukrin

Participant liberation of Kyiv, a former lecturer of physics in KPI,  retired Major, Associate Candidate of Sciences Mikhail Velichko mentions battles on Bukrin foothold, in which he was.

We are back

A retired colonel, Volodymyr Mykolayovych Zorin, a participant of liberation of Kiyv, who graduated from the heat-and-power engineering department , told our correspondent  V.Y. Melnyk about events, which he had to survive.

Academician Victor Glushkov - cybernetics pioneer

Victor Glushkov was born August 24, 1923 r.u Rostov-on -Don in the family of a mining engineer. In 1929 the family moved in Shahty. In June 1941 Victor Glushkov with honors graduated from high school №1 Shahty .He was going to join the Physics Department of Moscow State University .

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