KPI trade union: the first page of a hundred years of history

Today students mostly are not very rich people. The beginning of adulthood is usually accompanied by if not poverty, then certain deprivations. Especially when a young man wants to be financially independent from their parents, or if they are simply unable to support him.

St. Sophia Cathedral

Among the landmarks, surviving in Eastern Europe, world-famous St. Sophia Cathedral is the oldest one. Artists who erected the cathedral and decorated its walls mosaics and frescoes used the techniques that were based on Byzantine traditions.

Mayday at Shulyavka

Shuliavka which is more than 100 years ago gave shelter NTUU "KPI", has a long and interesting history. It was first mentioned in chronicles in the twelfth century. It is not surprising, therefore, that it is associated with numerous Kiev stories and traditions.

Helmut Choke is a honorary doctor MMI

May 23, 2008 in the conference room of the Academic Council of NTUU "KPI" was awarded the diploma of Honorary Doctor MMI NTUU "KPI" Director of the institute automotive industry Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg prof. Helmut Choke.

"Science News of KPI" - 10 years!

September 26 1997 the Ministry of Information of Ukraine registered the new edition of magazine "Science news of National Technical University of Ukraine" Kyiv Polytechnic Institute ". This date can be regarded as the birthday of our magazine.

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