Korolev. From the book K.P.Feoktistov "Seven steps to the sky"

In our time, the new technology is created by huge groups of specialists in various fields. In these circumstances, the creator of a new type of technology is the organizer and leader of the major research and development. In its core business, he moves farther from the direct technical work.

My meeting with him… [S.P.Korolev]

... October 4, 1957 I worked in Moscow research institute (after graduation KPI). This institute was linked with space program. Once, late in the evening we watched with bated breath the bright star that quickly moved across the dark sky. This was the first artificial satellite of the Earth.

Arctic Odyssey of politechnics

Older people still remember well the epic that was played out in the Arctic Ocean in the early 40-ies of XX century. Primarily the United States and the Soviet Union and also some other countries were involved in that epic. Heroic fame of papanintsy lives in folk memory.

Internet addiction and its roots

Internet addiction is one of the species of dependent behavior, along with alcohol, drug addiction, gambling games and etc. Unlike alcohol and drug addiction, Internet addiction entirely contained in mental health (physiological dependence is not formed).

Educational TV studio: Descriptive Geometry

The Video Course on descriptive geometry was created at KPI educational television studio in the 80's of the last century on the initiative of the department of descriptive geometry and due to Professor Anatoly V. Pavlov’s excellent  teaching skills.

Mikola Borisovich Delaunay

In 2006, it was the 150th anniversary of the birth of one of the greatest pioneers and ardent advocate of the ideas of aeronautics and aviation in Ukraine KPI Professor Mikola Borisovich Delaunay (1856 - 1931).

Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management is 60!

In November 2006, the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management has its 60th anniversary. The instituit is the successor of the Faculty of Mining, Faculty of Mining Electromechanics and Automation, and partially of the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automation.

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