Educational TV studio: Geometry

Geometry and topology. Topology is a science about geometric properties that are preserved under continuous deformations of figures. In particular, the movie tells about homeomorphism, implied critical points, and Morse topological theory.

Beware of toxicomania

In literature, the term "toxicomania" appeared quite recently. Previously there was used a generalized term "narcomania", that means a habit and painful addiction to drugs.

The alternative heating of "Elektropik"

Electric heat-retaining system “Elektropik”, which provides transition to an alternative type of heating, was put into operation at school No. 12 of Lutsk at the beginning of October.

Ginkgo biloba L. Contemporary of dinosaurs in the KPI

A strange tree, enclosed by a  short fence, is growing on the back side of the west wing of the main building. In autumn, it drops its strange, painted in golden yellow color leaves, which kids and adults like to collect.

Ginkgo biloba tree

Ginkgo biloba can be propagated in three ways: by seeds, offshoots and grafts. Grafts are the easiest way to propagate ginkgo. It is better to take young grafts, cut them late in July, cut the leaves from them and put in the water to form roots. You can add accelerator root there.

Anatolii Dormidontov

October 22 one of the most active veterans of Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kyiv, Honored Space Technology Tester, senior researcher at the State Polytechnic Museum NTUU "KPI", academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences of National Progress Anatolii Grygorovych Dormidontov celebrated his 80th Bi

For early diagnosis [of cancer]

The main problem in the field of health care is timely diagnosis of the patient. Identify the disease at an early stage is necessary before it is possible to prevent its development and to bring man back to a healthy state.

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