Leaf through the pages "For the Soviet engineer"

All groups are provided places for practice on the most advanced enterprises of our country. Sufficient to note such giants as GAZ of Molotov, HTZ, STZ, CTZ, VMS, Rostselmash, Novo-Kramatorsk Metallurgical Plant, Voroshilovgradsky Plant.

1902: The pictured moment of KPI history

Not so many photos of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute period of the first years of its existence has survived to our time. Most of them are in albums, which were presented to the first rector of the KPI V.L. Kirpichov in 1902.

I like studying here

Four’s year biotechnology faculty student Denis Cherednychenko masters the specialty "Equipment of pharmaceutical and microbiological industry." He is a conscientious excellently learning student and active person, engaged in scientific researches and actively involved in community life of th

Updated history museum of KPI will exist!

Museology in KPI has a long history. Except of Zoological museum of agricultural department, Engineer museum opened on February 1. It was supervised by engineering group. The museum commission of Engineer museum of KPI was established in 1905 and it was headed by Eugene Oskarovych Paton.

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