The Laboratory of nanomechanics is opened

November 13 at the department of scientific, analytical and ecological devices and systems with the support of Ukrainian Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) and the participation of OOO "Lily" was created educational-scientific laboratory of nanomechatronics.

The first flights in the sky of Kyiv

For many years, Dovzhenko garden, located on the territory of the National Film Studio, along with the architectural ensemble of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and factories that work in these areas are the symbols of Shulyavka.

Buldyhin Valerii Volodymyrovych. Biography

Head of the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Probability Theory, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, professor, holder of Ukrainian State Award, Valerii Buldyhin was an outstanding scientist in Ukraine as well as abroad.

The artistic casting of the Kyiv Polytechnic

Firstly, the metal come to people’s life as a need: tools, machines and mechanisms, decorations. The first products from alloys were appeared on the verge of coal and copper ages - V-VI BC.

Lagrange Joseph Louis. To the 280th anniversary of the birth

"Lagrange - the greatest pyramid of Mathematical Sciences" – by these words Napoleon Bonaparte assessed the outstanding scientist and mathematician of XVIII century Joseph Louis Lagrange. He made him a senator, Count of the Empire and Commander of the Legion of Honor.

Benardos Nikolai Nikolaevich and his famous invention

Name Benardos Nikolai Nikolaevich (1842-1905) is well known in the field of welding. From the outset, the use of metal arc welding method of coal (non consumable) electrode was called "Benardos way." Among the methods of arc welding the Benardos method was the first widely used and is today one of the most common.

Is the chemistry necessary for the power engineer?

The world around is the world of chemicals and their constants to transformations. The majority of processes on the earth are chemical or are followed by chemical processes. It is possible to tell that our Earth - ​​ is the huge chemical reactor which doesn't stop for a minute.

The new position - "The teacher-researcher"

Experience of research universities in the US, Germany and other leading countries shows that the highest quality of training provided by the research type universities, which is inherent in the organic combination of scientific and educational process.

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