Unique information source. The first report of the KPI (1899)

In the department of historical rarities of Scientific and Technical Library NTUU "KPI" there are saved many rare editions, books, records, albums, and so on. The attention is attracted by a small volume book "Status Report Kyiv Polytechnic Institute of Emperor Alexander II during 1899.".

Masterpiece on Shulyavka - gift of sponsors to Kyiv

October 1, 1896 by express train Southwestern Railways Minister of Justice of Russia, and in the recent past, the head of this Railways S.Vitte arrived in Kyiv. Inhabitants of Kyiv know very well about his outstanding organizational skills.

Zorenko Oksana. Way is laying by spring gardens

The month of March is magic for many reasons: it begins the calendar spring equalizing night and day, and his 8th day is dedicated to all the beautiful women. To write about a Woman – there is no special reason to write about the Academic – it should be aware of her scientific achievements.

Kyiv meridian

February 7, 2009 on the territory of the Observatory of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (str. Observatorna 3) was opened annotative board dedicated to Kyiv meridian. Its coordinates were defined by the first director of the Astronomical Observatory of the University of St.

Familiar stranger, or His Majesty Pencil

Easy, cheap and always ready for use day and night, in the heat and severe frosts. Easily placed in a pocket or behind your ear. Without complications it can be erased by an eraser.

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