Design development of FAX. Radiation counters of IDRI MP "Rhythm"

The disaster at Chernobyl demonstrated the need to create robotic systems, capable of working in dangerous for life and health situations. The development of such systems since 1996 actively carried out in the Interdisciplinary Research Institute of mechanics problems (IDRI MP) "Rhythm" of FAX.

Red Saturdays. Students are working on «excellent»

Have you noticed how transformed our park beyond recognition in last day. Where did disappear last year’s pile of leaves, trash and dirt entered by melt water. Windows were cleaned in the corridors and classrooms in academic building № 18.

Educational TV studio: Metallurgy

Manufacture of metal powder - a promising process. It uses a very simple technology with relatively low energy consumption and with virtually no loss of material. How is this happening? The film introduces you to the method of manufacturing metal powders and parts of it, which is used by Mannesmann.

The history of FMM

The faculty of management and marketing provides training in management, economics and entrepreneurship. Graduates of our faculty are able to make informed decisions relating to management personnel, market, production, foreign and innovation activities.

Vollerner Naum Pylypovych

Since 1932 Naum Pylypovych has casted his lot with Kyiv industrial (later politechnical) institute, where he worked as laboratory assistant, engineer, assistant and assistant professor of radio-technical department.

The auditorium named after V.O. Hristich has been opened

Staff and students of the FHPE are well remembered Vladimir Olexandrovich Hristich. He was imposing, mobile and curious to everything. For many years in laboratories and industrial facilities he conjured over the combustion process.

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