Support for talented students

KPI and Credit Agricole signed an agreement that provides for the improvement of the learning space, promotion of young talents, educational programs, and assistance in finding a job for graduates.

Cooperation to help war victims

Due to the full-scale war with Russia and the increasing number of people in need of prosthetics and rehabilitation, Ukraine has a need to implement the best technologies in this field.

Happy Independence Day 2023!

Dear Kyiv Polytechnics! I sincerely congratulate you on the Independence Day of Ukraine!

The history of gaining independence of our country is a complex and thorny path that Ukrainians have been walking for many centuries.

Happy Flag Day, KPI students!

Dear Kyiv Polytechnics! On August 23, all Ukrainians celebrate the Flag Day - one of the three state symbols that became the official signs of our statehood and our sovereignty after Ukraine gained independence.

KPI students develop a unique water filter

KPI students are developing the first Ukrainian ceramic filter that will purify water even from a swamp or infected with bacteria. It will allow defenders at the front to always have clean water.

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