The global world order, security challenges, Ukraine-NATO relations, and the US experience in building a defense system and warfare.

These issues were discussed during the two-day seminar "Strategic Level of National Security and Defense", which was held by the Institute of Advanced Defense Technologies of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Sikorsky Challenge Innovation Holding and Sonata. The event was attended by representatives of the Defense Forces, defense industry enterprises, and academic institutions.

Rector of KPI Mykhailo Zgurovsky presented scenarios for a new Euro-Atlantic security architecture after the end of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

The researchers analyzed the scenarios: what could happen to the world order and to events in Ukraine, which is part of this global system.

📋️️️️️ How the system of our national security and defense was built, how long Russia can hold out if sanctions against it are maintained, and answers to other questions can be found here.

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