Here is a daily chronicle of the university's life during a dramatic period of Ukrainian history - from February 24 to April 10, 2022. We remind you that on the first day of the war, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Rector Mykhailo Zgurovsky addressed the Kyiv Polytechnic students with the following words on his Facebook page:

Dear Kyiv Polytechnics. Today we woke up in a different world. We will have to understand its essence and future later. Now the coordination headquarters of KPI is working on the organization of work and life of the university under the new conditions of martial law. The first decisions of the headquarters have been made. At 15:00, a meeting of the KPI Administrative Council will be held with the participation of all deans, directors of institutes, heads of administrative services, representatives of student self-government bodies, and the public. We will coordinate our work at all levels. Take care of yourself, your family and friends.

M. Zgurovsky

On the same day, a coordination headquarters of the KPI was created, headed by the rector, consisting of members of the rector's office and heads of basic units. The headquarters coordinated all areas of the university's life during the defense of Kyiv. The rector informed the public about the work of the coordination headquarters on a daily basis. These reports are posted on the Rectorate telegram channel.

📋️️️️️ Scheduled meetings of the university administration were held every week. Minutes of all rectorate meetings are available here.

The Humanitarian Headquarters headed by Vice-Rector Natalia Seminska took care of students, teachers and residents of the surrounding houses who were staying in dormitories and shelters of the university.

🎥 Read more in the material of KPImedia.

📋️️️️️ Those who want to learn about what happened in those days can read the documentary information.

‼️ To view information in the Rectorate telegram channel by day, you need to go to the search in the channel, click on the calendar and select the desired date.

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