The platform for innovative services

Finalists and winners of the festival "Sikorsky Challenge 2015" among the other began the project "Campus 2.0" - platform for realization innovative services based on the integration of new hardware, software services, digital multimedia content with elements of augmented reality.

Discussion about fantastic future

Futuristic predictions every time promise us incredible inventions that are given to you, though possible, but so far distant future. But participants in the open discussion "How to prepare for a fantastic future" say: the future has come.

Enterprises of Kyiv region are learning to save resource

The conference " Resource efficiency of the enterprises in Kyiv region" took place in the exhibition hall of the Science Park "Kyiv politechnika" on December 8, 2015. During this conference the project results of resource efficient and cleaner production in the Kiev region were presented.

Vitkup Nadezhda. Constructed products of the future

In the autumn of 2015 celebrated 100 years since the birth of Nadezhdy Konstantinovny Vitkup, former assistant professor of descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics, many years trade union leader of KPI.

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