Mykola Soroka. Biographical story "One more spring". I part

The bells were dinging, buzzing, like only copper does, drawlingly, absorbing the whole plain. Silver distance was swinging, and the sun was mercilessly blazing in the eyes. It was so low that even the smell of burnt could be felt. But then, little by little the bells calmed down, as if someone was playing with them, and then completely cut some thin string.

The Memorial "To Heroes of Chornobyl" on Troieshchyna

One of the largest residential areas Kyiv is Vyhurivshchyna-Troieshchyna (in everyday communication of Kyiv residents it is simply Troyeshchyna) with the area of ​​three and a half thousand hectares and nearly half a million people.

Meeting with Yuriy Kostenko

April 14 prominent politician and public figure, deputy of Ukraine of several convocations, Minister of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine in 1992 – 1998 years, scientist Yuriy Kostenko read for students of power specialties of KPI lecture on "History of Ukraine of nuclear disarmament."

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