Grand Prix for the best textbooks

17-19 November 2016 at the National Center for business and cultural cooperation "Ukrainian House" held Thirtieth International Exhibition "Education and career - Student Day 2016".

They are proud of IEE

It's nice when your department (institute) is called among the best in the university. There are many criteria for comparison. In particular, the successful performances of pupils in competitions and interesting professional publications, presence of registered scholars and others.

Professionals visiting students of ITC

Institute of Telecommunication Systems traditionally to their professional holiday - Day of radio, television and communication - and the Day of the student invited for lectures, presentations of leading Ukrainian companies.

Polyglot of FL - Rector scholar

For excellent learning, scientific research inventive and active citizenship best students of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute this semester  received a nominal stipend. Among them - the mayor of group LA-31 in the Faculty of Linguistics Anna Hresova.

Training specialists from China to FAKS

From 12 to 28 of November 2016 at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Aircraft and Space Systems team was China Beijing BMC International Education Consulting CO, Inner Mongolia Dynamic and Mechanical Institute (China) to exchange experience in creating technology design

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