How was a fir born

The simple words of this original Christmas anthem everyone knows. And will only sound familiar melody in the memory once there are bright lights, confetti and party poppers, fun and laughter, gifts from Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, as well as welcome, especially in winter, fragrant aroma of apples, tangerines and oranges.

Igor Sikorsky KPI became laureate of “Leader of Ukrainian science 2016. Web of Science award”

National technical university “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute” was granted a reward “Leader of Ukrainian science 2016. Web of Science award” in the nomination of “Science and innovations” by Ministry of Education and Science and “Clarivate Analytics” company (former subdivision for scientific property and science “Thomson Reuters”) and National Academy of Science

Diligent students make dreams come true

A lot of different stories can be found on the pages of KP about achievements of the best students of Kyiv polytechnics – successful researchers, Olympiads and competitions winners and scholarship holders. Everyone has their own way to success.

Developments of young people – for the benefit of production

By the decree of the President of Ukraine №509/2016 dated November, 17, 2016, Presidential award for young scientists in 2016 for the work “New inhibitors for corrosion prevention” was given to a team of young scientists of Chemical and Engineering Faculty.

The Department of acoustics and acoustoelectronics – 80!

In the fall of 2016, the Department of acoustics and acoustoelectronics was 80 years old. This is a respectable age for humans and for the Department, and it is entirely understandable desire to look back and remember the right word for Department staff and their good deeds.

Three steps of self-proficiency

That is the slogan we can note the events in November at the Department of Applied fluid and mechanomtronics: Autumn School - Olympiad - competition of professional skill.

Igor Sikorsky KPI scientists and ISR of UNAS- NSAU work on shared Research and Education Center of Space Research and Technologies

Scientists of Institute of Space Research (ISR) of Ukrainian National Academy of Science (UNAS) and National Space Agency of Ukraine (NSAU) together with representatives of scientific schools and NTUU "Igor Sikorsky KPI" administration discussed at the meeting that took place in the university, on 13th December, the issue of cooperation development and creation of common Scientific and Educational Center of Space Research and Technologies.

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