Skulysh Mariia: Woman and scientific research

Institute of Telecommunication Systems -  is one of the largest research centers of the University. Its representatives - both students and teachers - repeatedly became winners of competitions and all kinds of competitions and were awarded professional awards.

Pleased by creativity

Third year student of the PPI  Lyudmila Shesterikova could be called as a veteran of art contest "Talents of KPI". She gives to visitors the joy of communicating with something beautiful by her works for 15 years.

"KPI talents" revealed

In November, 10, in exhibition hall of building № 7 there was an official opening of the I part of annual art competition “KPI talents” where students, teaching staff and fellow workers of our university presented their pieces of work in nominations “pictorial art”, “graphic art”, “decorative and

Intellectual wireless charger

It is hard to imagine a modern active and busy person, who does not use any digital technologies and up-to-date gadgets. Almost each of us actively uses a smartphone or tablet: take a call, look through e-mails, surf Internet.

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