Student youth - for a healthy lifestyle

The annual social-sports holiday "Healthy relay" was held on May 24, 2017, on Politekhnicheskaya St. and Polyana Square. It was organized by administration of the campus of KPI with the support of the primary labor union organization of students and student social service of the University.

Seminar "Economic Cooperation of Poland with Ukraine'2017"

In Iwonicz-Zdrój, on May 19-21, 2017, a traditional seminar,"Economic Cooperation of Poland with Ukraine" which is organized annually by the KPI Students' Section in Poland, was held. Henryk Bukalskyi and Aleksander Sarnetskyi were the immediate organizers of the seminar.

Visit to Poznan Polytechnic

Upon the invitation of the rector Tomasz Łodygowski, the Dean of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Vitalii Maksymenko, visited Poznan Polytechnic from May 28 to June 1. During the visit, professor V.B.

UCRF opens doors for future specialists

Recently, third year students of the Institute of Telecommunication Systems headed by Professor of Telecommunication Department, Teodor Mykolaiovych Narytnyk, visited the State Enterprise "The Ukrainian State Center of Radio Frequencies"(UCRF), where they went on an excursion to buildings and lab

The Success Of Electrochemists - Teachers And Students

Two pleasant events took place on the eve of the Day of Science of Ukraine, which this year was celebrated on May 20at the Department of Electrochemical Productions Technology (EPT) of the Chemical Technology Faculty of the KPI

NETCENG Master Classes at FAKS

The NETCENG Project is a European Union’s project of technical assistance "A New Model of the Third Cycle of Engineering Education in Accordance with the Bologna Process in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine", which has been implemented since December 2013, and aims at the introduction of doctoral stud

Club of science fiction fans "Portal"

In June this year, the "Portal", club of science fiction fans (CFF), which operates on the basis of the Scientific and Technical Library of our university, celebrates thirteen years.

French guest at the Department of Acoustics

On April 18, 2017, there was a meeting of teachers and students of the Department of Acoustics and Acoustoelectronics with the lecturer and staff member of the Acoustic Laboratory of the The University of Le Mans (France) Bruno Gazengel.

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