IEE presents the results of the energy survey

Students of the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management of the Igor Sikorsky KPI conducted energy survey and thermal imagery survey in 27 educational institutions of Solomyansky district of Kyiv last year.

To see the green ray: Kinburn Spit

The green ray is a rare natural phenomenon that happens at sunset. In quiet, clear weather at sea, sometimes you can see, as at the moment when the sun is hiding behind the horizon, a green ray lights up in the sky. One of these places is the Kinburn Spit (Mykolaiv region).

About Holodomor through the eyes of journalist Ria Klaiman

October 17, 2017 in the meeting hall of the Academic Council of the Igor Sikorsky KPI, at the initiative of the Department of History of the FSL, was given a lecture by the famous historian, acting head of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studios at the University of Alberta Yaroslav-Igor Bala

Yuri Stepanovich Sinyekop – 80 years old!

On October 31, 2017 professor Yuri Stepanovich Synekop turned 80. All his scientific, pedagogical, managerial achievements are inextricably linked with the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. He graduated from the KPI in 1964, defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1973.

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