Paradise apple trees at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

Polytechnicians are already accustomed to the fact that the apple tree, among other trees, is the roundabout of the first building. Another tree of the same beauty grows behind the seventh building. As if in a fairy tale, they please the eye from early spring to late autumn.

The winners of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad at HTF

Students of Igor Sikorsky KPI became prize-winners of the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on the specialty "Chemical Technologies of Inorganic Substances", which took place on the basis of the Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University (Dnipro).

Oleg Beletsky: honest work brings results

In modern life we are completely dependent on electricity. It is difficult to imagine environment without means of communication, appliances and electric transport. "From day to day, the demand for electricity is increasing thanks to new inventions which are successfully implemented.

Dead Sea? No, Pink lake!

The more we travel through Ukraine, the more we admire her natural uniqueness and organic treasures. A few years ago the Internet and mass media was full of photos of so-called Pink lake in Kherson region, whose salinity is 35%.

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