With love from Ukrainians

In the early years of independence ambitious children’s magazine took pool among children and their parents in order to find the symbol of the publishing house. It was like: what is the most known and the mostly wide spread animal in Ukraine? Most of them choose a pig as the best candidate.

At the meeting of the Academic Council: 11.02.2019

The Board of Studies examined the working group’s account on the question of university’s asset complex development during the period from 1972 to 2019, Sergey Ohinskyi (university’s internal auditing representative) stood with. After the discussion appropriate decision was taken.

Creation of intellectual composite materials

By decree of the President an authoring team of Faculty of Chemical Engineering – Candidates of Science, associate professors Zhuchenko OA (Department of Automation of Chemical Productions), Ivitsky II(Department of Chemical, Polymer and Silicate Engineering) Tsapar VS (Department of Automation

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