Stepan Prokopovych Shevchuk turned 70!

On February 4, 2019, Stepan Prokopovych Shevchuk, Head of the Department of Electromechanical Equipment of Energy Consuming Industries (EMOEV) of the Institute of Energy Conservation and Energy Management, celebrated his anniversary.

Victor Petrovych Rosen turned 70!

On January 28, 2019, Victor Petrovych Rosen (born in 1949), Head of the Department of Automation Control of Electrotechnical Systems (AUEK) of the Institute of Energy Conservation and Energy Management, celebrated his 70th birthday

Traditional Christmas meeting

January 23, 2019 in the Hall of the Academic Council of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute gathered fans of choral singing.

A burglar was arrested

January 28, 2019, representatives of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute department for the security together with the police in Kyiv arrested a man who systematically committed thefts in university buildings in the last two months.

He was a citizen N. born in 1984.

Emotions on paper

Based on the results of the contest "Talents of KPI 2018", the best works in the category "Painting" among students were named works of Anastasia Ezhela (VPI, gr. SG-82).

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