Volodymir Danilenko, a graduate student of the Department of Nuclear Power Plants and Engineering Thermophysics of TEF, was awarded the Igor Kurchatov academic scholarship. "First of all, it is necessary to carefully approach the solution of certain tasks and to be responsible for the performance of your duties," - this is the formula for success chosen by Volodymir.

He is a sixth-year student, the theme of the master's thesis is connected to research of properties of new and typical steels that is actual for reactor vessels of the Ukrainian nuclear power plants. "It is known that modernization of the reactor vessel requires special attention, as it is the reactor vessel that is an irreplaceable element determining the life of the unit.  Thus the question of finding new materials for its manufacture has been, is and will always be relevant for the world nuclear power industry, – Volodymir says. – It is a regrettable fact that correct and unambiguous results based on experimental tests, analytical assessments or theoretical forecasts that really confirm the correctness of choices and decisions regarding new materials are not always possible. In addition, the creation and use of new equipment without detailed research and pre-testing reduces the level of operational safety, which can lead to unpredictable damage to the equipment, accidents, human casualties and material damage. I therefore hope that the results of my research will be useful in obtaining a preliminary assessment of the possible operation of new materials for nuclear power engineering".

Volodymir is interested in new developments in the industry. He regularly attends professional scientific conferences and is interested in new developments in the nuclear power industry. He was awarded a third degree diploma for active participation in the XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Postgraduate, Master's and Undergraduate Students "Modern Problems of Scientific Support of Energy", a second degree diploma for participation in the XVI and International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Modern Problems of Scientific Support of Energy". Volodymir took part in subject student compatitions, he is a prize-winner of the XIX All-Ukrainian Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Science and Technology of the XXI century".

"I like one story. I don't remember the author, but the idea is this: first start doing what you need to do, then do what's possible, and you suddenly see that you're doing the impossible. I completely agree with this principle, it works! – Volodymir says. – If you have defined your goal, systematically and creatively approach its implementation, if you are able to persistently search for alternative ways of solving certain tasks, do not give up in case of failures and do not stop at the achievements then Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute with its multifaceted capabilities and highly qualified specialists is a good starting point. It will allow you to fully reveal yourself as a talented engineer, will help to find forces, ideas and inspiration to get other tops, the realization of new achievements and new ideas".

As you can see, the advice is not complicated, and the "recipe" Vladimir really works.

I.G.Pitzina, assistant professor at the department of AES and ITF