Books from the personal library of V.L. Kyrpychov in STL

In the report on the state of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute for 1903. (Report on the state of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute of Emperor Alexander II for 1903 - Kyiv: Printing house S. V. Kulzhenko, 1904) it is mentioned, that Professor V.L.

KYRPYCHOV V.L. The tasks of higher technical education

The first director of  Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Victor Lvovich Kyrpychov in various directories is briefly described as follows: scientist-mechanic, engineer and teacher, organizer of higher technical education, founder and first director of Kharkiv Technological Institut

NAS of Ukraine New Presidium Apparatus

On October 9, 2020, a session of the General Assembly of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was held, during which the President, Vice Presidents and members of the NASU Presidium were elected and academicians-secretaries of the NASU departments elected the day before by the general m

Сovid-19: Autumn-winter Pandemic Outbreak

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute scientists have published the results of a study of the features of the outbreak of the Сovid-19 pandemic in the early autumn-winter period.

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