Henrikh Titov. Airplanes Are a Family Thing

A third-year IAT student Henrikh Titov whose specialty is “Aviation and Rocket Space Engineering” got a scholarship from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for his achievements in education, popularization of science, and developments in science and engineering.

Workshop on Preventing Conflict of Interest

On November 25, 2021, online training and consulting seminar on preventing conflicts of interest took place. Anti-corruption Officer at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Yana Tsymbalenko held the event for the University departments heads and thesis advisors.

Holodomor Remembrance Day

Every year on the fourth Saturday of November, we commemorate all those who died from artificial famines in Ukraine, the mass deaths from famine in Ukraine were in 1932-1933.


World-renowned scientist, outstanding organizer of science, talented engineer, genius of electric welding Borys Eugenovych Paton parted from this life in the 102 year. It is impossible to overemphasize Borys Paton’s contribution to world scientific and technological progress.

To the 103rd Anniversary of Borys Paton

Today, November 27, 2021, Borys Paton would have turned 103 years old. Let us remember how rich and interesting was the life of the outstanding Ukrainian scientist, genius of electric welding, and Kyiv Polytechnic Institute graduate Borys Paton.

First to come. The Mobile Combat Robots project

The Mobile Combat Robots project is the first of five that Meridian representatives have chosen for further development from among those presented at the Defence and Security section of the Sikorsky Challenge 2021 Festival.

To Borys Paton 103rd Anniversary

To mark the 103rd anniversary of the outstanding Ukrainian scientist, academician, genius, first Hero of Ukraine, two-time Hero of Socialist Labor, long-term president of NASU and Kyiv Polytechnic Institute graduate Borys Paton, Rector of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Mykhailo Zgur

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