Health season 2021: some summaries

This year the rest of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute staff and members of their families traditionally took place at the university health facilities - OK "Mayak", SVST "Sosnovy" and SOT "Polytechnic".

Polytechnics won silver in Qatar

Elizabeth Stolyarchuk and Volodymyr Karan, second-year students at the Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, won silver medals at the Challenge and Innovation Forum (CIF) Qatar 2021, which took place on November 7-11.

Ajax Systems is a new approach to modern business

A new educational and scientific laboratory of electronic wireless security systems Ajax Systems has started working at the Department of Acoustic and Multimedia Electronic Systems of the Faculty of Electronics of Kyiv Polytechnic.

Our scientists received an award from the Verkhovna Rada

On the occasion of the World Science Day for Peace and Development on November 10 with the participation of the expanded leadership of the Parliament and President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Academician Anatoliy Hlibovych Zagorodny, presidents of branch academies of sciences there was a solemn celebration of the winners in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Center for Student Consolidation presents

The Center for Student Consolidation provides students with an updated place for student leisure, where anyone can realize any project of their own, carry out a lecture or event, join a student club or even create a new one.

21st All-Ukrainian Dictation of National Unity

As part of the tradition, G.I.Denysenko Scientific and Technical Library of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” organized the writing of the All-Ukrainian dictation of national unity at the University.

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