Experience of the "ITS Model" as an Example for Scaling

During the meeting of representatives of the university management with students, teachers and employees of the Educational and Research Institute of Telecommunication Systems, which took place on May 19, several topics were raised.

Renewable Energy: Course for Accelerated Development

Subject matters of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the XXI Century", which took place for the twenty-third time at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute on May 19-20, has recently become not only relevant, but also literally burn

Starlink at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

Kyiv Polytechnic Institute received three Starlink satellite Internet stations.

The devices will be used in the educational and scientific process of training students in specialties 172 of ITS, RTF, FEL, and for administrative purposes.

Fighting Hedgehogs

During World War II, many unique examples of equipment and weapons were created, which became its real symbols.

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