Zorenko Oksana. Way is laying by spring gardens

The month of March is magic for many reasons: it begins the calendar spring equalizing night and day, and his 8th day is dedicated to all the beautiful women. To write about a Woman – there is no special reason to write about the Academic – it should be aware of her scientific achievements.

Academic building #8

Address of academic building №8 (VPI): Academician Yangel street, 1/37. Earlier KPI hostel.

Dr. Peter Yarhstorf - Doctor Honoris Causa VPI

On February 8, on the occasion of an honorary doctorate diplomas VPI NTU "KPI" director and procurator of "KBA-Planeta AG" in the former socialist countries Dr. Peter Yarhstorfu was taking place meeting of the Academic Council VPI NTU "KPI".

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