Freshman Day 2017

 On the 30th of September a traditional holiday "freshman day" was hold in KPI.  Almost 5000 girls and boys took part in the ceremony of dedication.

Happy Independence Day!

Dear friends and colleagues!
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you cordially with the great holiday of Independence day!

Visit of the delegation from the People's Republic of China

August 7, 2017 KPI was visited by a delegation from the People's Republic of China headed by the General Liu Sheng, who participated in the XII session of the Intergovernmental Ukrainian-Chinese Co-ordination Commission on Military-Technical Cooperation.

The 5th Economic Forum of Ukraine-Korea

On July 28, the 5th Economic Forum of Ukraine-Korea "Economic Cooperation in the Context of Euro-Asian Integration" was held at the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute n.a. Igor Sikorsky".

Webometrics Transparency Rating of July, 2017

Cybermetrics Lab has published the fourth universities transparency rating based on the citation ratio of their leading scientists. Official institutional Google Scholar Citations profiles, standardized domains and universities emails have been used for the analysis.

Flag that survived the war

The flag, which Kyiv Polytechnic associates, who have been at war, and have brought it through fire and battles, was presented as a gift for the university.

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