To the anniversary I.I. Sikorsky

Honoring. University "KPI" with gratitude and respect remembers his famous graduate – Igor Sikorski. In his honor, a memorial plaque was installed on the territory of the KPI.

H. E. Mr. Jacques Faure visit

On April 21, 2009 NTUU “KPI” received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic in Ukraine H. E. Mr. Jacques Faure. Mr. J.Faure delivered the lecture “Bilateral Cooperation Between France and Ukraine. The Role of France in Relations Ukraine-European Union”.

Hewlett-Packard in NTUU”KPI”

On April 2, 2009 the delegation of Hewlett-Packard International Trade B.V. Representative Office in Ukraine headed by its General manager Serhiy Savenko visited NTUU”KPI”.

Visiting delegation representing Kyiv University to KUWAIT

KUWAIT: A visiting delegation representing Kyiv University yesterday affirmed importance of exchanging students between the Ukrainian university and Kuwait University. The visitors also affirmed significance of the development of relations in the field of education between the two countries.

Days of German Science in Ukraine

On March 6, 2009 meeting with Dr. Erih Ratske, Dr. Marion Minert, representatives of the Federal Ministry of Education and Science and Mr. Erih Bistriker, researches and technologies cooperation expert «DE International Ukraine» was conducted at NTUU «KPI».

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