Interact actively and work economically and efficiently

It is said among the people that everyone can act as an expert on teaching children, playing football and curing by yourself in our country. Perhaps, the same “credible” opinion can also be heard about development and maintenance of university's material and technical basis.

International seminar about MASTIS project on FIOT

From 12th till 13th March in 2019 in the faculty of Computer Science and counting technics the international seminar ‘‘MASTIS – Establishing Modern Master-level Studies in Information Systems’’ was held based on European Union Erasmus+ project.

Seminar`s about access to EbscoHost`s texts

If you want to find information about science in different fields it is important to use reliable and good quality informational resources, that will give you an opportunity to make up the bibliography of the field, determine quotations and some periodical editions that publish the results of different researches etc. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute cares about giving the researchers an opportunity to use the best international and authoritative database for their work

The hero of martial art

The reports about the success of the young boxer Andriy Timko appear periodically on the page of the Department of Sport Improvement of FBMI and at sports sites.

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