The biography of Prakhovnik Arthur Veniaminovich

Founder of national scientific school of energy management, holder of chair of electricity supply director of the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management NTUU "KPI" Dr. of technology Arthur Veniaminovych Prakhovnik.

A fsnowflake. A Clock. A Candle ...

As every holiday New Year has its own attributes. It is even difficult to imagine New Year greeting card or some New Year issue of the newspaper without such items, as Santa Claus , Christmas tree and Christmas decorations, frosted windows and the snowflakes, the clock and the candles.

Chubynsky Vladimir Dmitrievich. Polytechnic, poet, teacher

The song (words and melody) is written by KPI student, the participant of choir Vladimir Dmitrievich Chubynsky. It seems this is not the accident (surprisingly). To create a work that will be a symbol of something great, the person should be an implement of the same period. And Chubynsky was such a person.

Leonid Kuchma - the Honourable doctor of KPI

The second president of Ukraine Leonid Danilovich Kuchma was awarded at ceremonial meeting of administrative council of NTUU "KPI" on November 25 on the occasion of assignment to it ranks "The honourable doctor of NTUU "KPI", the cloak and a breastplate is handed.

Pyrohov Mykola Ivanovych. Famous surgeon, scientist and inventor

November 25, 2010 was 200 years since the birth of the prominent surgeon, anatomist, scientist, humanist and teacher Mykola Ivanovych Pyrohov (1810 – 1881).

He was the son of a military officer Mykola Ivanovych Pyrohov, who served in the rank of major as a treasurer in Moscow provisions depot.

Ohiyevskiy Volodymyr Vasyliovych. Professor’s sycamore.

“Ars longa, vita brevis” Life is short, art is eternal. Hippocrates

On May 10, 2010 there was 120 years since the birth of Professor Ohiyevskiy Volodymyr Vasyliovych, the founder of the Radio Engineering Faculty NTUU “Kyiv polytechnic institute”.

In 1997 I participated the European Conference of microwave equipment in Jerusalem. In the framework of cultural program I was fortunate to visit the Garden of Gethsemane, there are old oil trees which are more than 2000 years. Being in this holy place you feel in especially how fast time flies and the preservation of historical monuments of past events and their teachers has the inestimable value for future generations.

Aerobics - a nice way to health and beauty

Aerobics (rhythmic gymnastics) is a complex exercise (walking, running, jumping, etc.), which is performed under the music. It is one of the most popular types of recreational physical culture. Usually there are attended aerobics classes in order to lose weight, improve the figure.

Bobrov Viktoryn Flaviantovych

“Our air fleet will never be powerful, unless we develop aircraft industry. This industry will always drag out a miserable existence and using plagiarism of foreign constructions until we haven’t developed our own engineer staff. This truth is too evidently and there is no point in proving it. Everybody who wants to lay the solid foundation in the improvement of air fleet, who values the national wealth and doesn’t satisfied only by outer side, should adopt it…

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