Sumac (Rhus L.). Campus decoration, honey plant and spice.

At the elegant glade near the pump-room, which was chosen by the young mothers-grandmothers, right from the iron giant – locomotive,  unusual tree-shrub, spectacular and attractive, draw an attention. This is the  fluffy sumac – the native from North America.

Rozhen A.P. Race without finish. The end

Now it is accepted to begin serious undertakings from the advertising noise and steep PR. Without it, according to all the marketing rules, the new venture is doomed. Anatychuk also made vice versa. Everything was done simply, quietly, because it was clear - by its very existence Academy is obstacle for many.

Mikulonok Igor Olegovych. Always in search

In 2009 Mikulonok Igor Olegovych won the honorary title of "teacher-researcher" for the third time. He works at the Department of machinery and apparatus of chemical and petroleum production of engineering and chemical faculty for over 20 years.

Rozhen A.P. Race without finish. Part III

By the way, as it has happened several times in America, the Japanese too tried to outbid Lukyan Ivanovich. Company "Fudzitaka" offered a salary much higher than even the sum named by the Americans, and a villa by the sea. It was a record offer for Anatychuk.

The best letter of the alphabet

So called Smiley young active Internet users. Artless badge represent what is missing when communicating via email or chat - tone of voice and facial expressions, can feel the mood of interlocutors, causes positive emotions.

Rozhen A.P. Race without finish. Part II

So it's really - the ways of God are unfathomable. At a difficult time in Chernivtsi there suddenly came the Japanese delegation from a very serious company "Fudzitaka."

How teachers can be effective researchers

The new academic year in NTUU "KPI" begins on a positive note. The authoritative weekly "Mirror of the Week" in its issue number 24 of June 19 this year and the magazine "Campus" released the last ranking of the universities in Ukraine.

Rozhen A.P. Racing without finish. Part I

On the last day Anatychuk was invited to the banquet. Lukyan Ivanovich arrived at the appointed place, where there was something unfolded like a party. Later it turned out that he also related to it.

Bariahtar Viktor Grygorovych

A prominent Ukrainian scientist, one of the founders and the 1st dean of the Physico-mathematical Faculty of NTUU “KPI”, member of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences Viktor Grygorovych Bariahtar was born on the 9th of August 1930.

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