On the Way to Success

To the beginning of new school year at the Department of Scientific, Analytical and Ecological Devices and Systems ( DSAEDS ) IMD were prepared thoroughly since the summer. Since students spend on chair most of their time to their psychological relief was developed special interior design.

Tuz Julian Michajlovich. 60 years with KPI

History of the National Polytechnic Institute is made by, first of all, people, outstanding personalities who diligently during decades are creating and building up the unique environment, which is proudly called KPI Planet.

A town in the country Polytech

It is difficult to imagine the campus of the NTUU “KPI” without its fussy town from which in the morning a large number of students go out in order to disperse in the academic buildings, and in the evening return to their halls of residence.

The agreement with Tokyo University of agriculture and technology

On October, 4 the Rector of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Michael Zgurovsky and president of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Professor Tadashi Matsunaha signed an agreement on academ

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