Kosohina Irina Volodymyrivna. We care about the safe environment

Our existing technology for treatment of the industrial wastewater, which are contaminated with surfactants and organic dyes of different type and origin, not allow to provide full neutralization of pollutants contained in industrial effluents, tand in the same time it causes ecological damag

Lesya Shydenko’s exhibition

An exhibition of paintings CMA Lesya Shydenko was opened on October 23 in the Art Gallery .The artist’s relatives and friends visited the grand opening.

Summer holidays: numbers and comments

It is well-known fact, that everything good is passed quickly. The summer is over, holiday campaign and heath-improving rest of students and employees of NTUU “KPI” are ended.

Meeting with first-year students

October 2nd 2013 in the center of Culture and art of NTUU “KPI” meeting with administration of KPI and first-year students took place.

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