A look at China of KPI power engineer

This article is a slight generalization after three years of trips to China specialists KPI of burning fuel in the fire engineering power plants, metallurgy and others.

Day IESEM 2014

This year, the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management NTUU "KPI", a former Mining and Technical Department, celebrated its 68th anniversary. In the Faculty Day and on the eve of the professional holiday - Day of energy, Institute’s students and deputy of Kyiv Council Ruslan P.

International tournament TIMES

Local Group International Student Organization ESTIEM (European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management) in Kyiv with the support of trade union KPI students for the second time held a local English-language stage of the tournament with solving business-cases "TIMES" (Tournament in Mana

Interactive exhibition "Science for a Better Life"

A unique interactive exhibition "Science for a Better Life" was held November 8-9, 2014 at the National Cultural-Art and Museum Complex "Art Arsenal", where the international company "Bayer" presented their original innovations and inventions. The entrance was free.

Open online courses from teachers KPI

Massive open online courses (POOC) - a combination of free video lectures of the best teachers, interactive tasks and forums for discussion of educational materials, are becoming more common in the curricula of the universities.

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