Awarding of the winners of the student competition TEF

May 21, 2015 in the hall of the Academic Council of NTUU "KPI" first rector of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Yuriy Yakimenko solemnly welcomed participants and awarded the winners of the second stage of Ukrainian Student Olympiad on the theoretical foundations of electrical engineering in the 20

Compete beautiful and graceful

Competition in shaping the Spartakiad of NTUU "KPI" took place on 16.04.2015 in the University's sports complex. The main objective of the competition is to promote sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Tourists KPI win again

It has become a tradition that our athletes from the tourist club "globe" with the competition returned winners. This certificate is good preparation they receive at the club, and the will to win and desire to best represent their University.

The art space "KPI Tower" has been enlarged

April 23 was the opening of the second phase of the art space "Tower KPI": to the upper rooms were added basement. In his welcoming speech Rector of NTUU "KPI" Mikhail Zgurovsky noted that student creativity will continue to flourish in this corner.

Magonia – relative of barberries

 “Kyiv polytechnic” already told about beautiful decorative bush of barberries growing near rector’s wing. But here, close to the entrance to “Alma-mater” café its dimwitted cousin is situated – Magonia padybolysta (Mahonia Agguifolium Nutt.) or American barberries, or Oregon grape.

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