Volunteers help

Some news from headquarters volunteer battalion of KPI, whose activities since September last year aimed at helping military (ATO members).

One more Ginkgo

Not far from Igor Sikorsky monument, near the helicopter, a new seeding of the rare Ginkgo was planted on June 2. It is a gift from a social organization “Osviteks”.

20th tour of complex monitoring of specialists training quality

In March-April of 2015, Institute of Monitoring held the 20th tour of complex monitoring of specialists training quality in NTUU “KPI”.

The monitoring embraced nearly three thousands students of еру fourth year, 137 specialties, 133 departments of NTUU “KPI”.

International conference "Languages of professional communication"

Second International scientific conference "Languages ​​of professional communication: lingvocultural, cognitive-discursive, Translation Studies and Methodological Aspects" held April 16, 2015 organized by the Department of theory, practice and translation of the French language PL supported

Olexandr Anastasiiovych Dashkovskyi is 80 years old!

Olexandr Anastasiiovych Dashkovskyi is a director of Ukraine-wide Scientific and Research Institute of Analytic Instrumentation Engineering, board chairman of JS company “Ukranalyt”, the founder of science and analytic instrumentation engineering PBF chair has his jubilee.

KPI at the "Education and career" exhibition

Annual international specialized exhibition "Education and career – 2015" was held at the National centre of business and cultural cooperation "Ukrainian house" on April 16-18, 2015.

Continuing of founders traditions

In the era of IT technologies and innovative projects we sometimes forget about fundamental branches of engineering, foundry in particular. But thanks to the casting technology we get workpieces with complex configuration and geometry and high (98%) utilization rate of metal.

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