25 Years since Establishment of Department of Telecommunications

In May, the Institute of Telecommunication Systems (ITS) celebrated the 25th anniversary since the establishment of the Department of Telecommunications (previously Department of Telecommunication Facilities). It was this department that gave rise to ITS as we know it today.

President of Ukraine Scholarship awardee from the IHF

The President of Ukraine scholarship awardee, Master student of the IHF, Sergiy Bardashevskyi is convinced that if you do what you really like, the result and recognition will come by themselves. “Of course,” he notes, “the environment plays an important role.

Builders and founders of Kyiv Polytechnics

A lecture by a well-known Kyiv historian Myhailo Kalynitsky “Outstanding Kyiv architects of the early twentieth century - employees of the Polytechnic Institute” from the cycle of historical studies “Think about it” gathered on 24th of August in the NTB students and university lecturers, city tou

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