From the history of Kyiv bridges

The lecture about the history of Kyiv bridges and the role of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in their creation by famous Kyiv historian Valery Lysenko was the ending of December cycle of historical studios ‘Think about it’, organized by NTB of G.

A concert to New Year holidays

The conference room of Academic Council of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute turned into the concert hall for a while on the 18th of December.

Eternal memory of Georgiy Yefymenko

January, 29 in the lobby of the ninth building, where the engineering-physical faculty is located, was opened solemnly a memorial plaque to a prominent scientist, organizer of education and a teacher, a former employee of the university Georgiy Yefymenko

Meeting with a representative of the Warsaw Polytechnic

On 17 January, representatives of the “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” International Cooperation Department named after Igor Sikorsky and the faculties that train specialists for the energy industry met with Professor Konrad Swirski, Professor of the Faculty of Energy and Aerospace Technologies of Warsaw Polytechnic.

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