Emotions on paper

Based on the results of the contest "Talents of KPI 2018", the best works in the category "Painting" among students were named works of Anastasia Ezhela (VPI, gr. SG-82).

Nesterko Artem Borysovych: How to manage the power system optimally

Among the works awarded the President of Ukraine Prize for Young Scientists in 2018, the attention of experts is drawn to a study by a team of scientists "Measures and means to improve the reliability and quality of electricity supply and reduce electricity losses in renewable energy systems." Am

Dry Kyiv jam: beautiful, tasty and useful

New Year Holidays are ongoing and different goodies on our tables don’t end. A novelty for Kyiv’s citizens was the appearance at the end of the year of a ‘tasty’ souvenir - artistically decorated metal cans and fancy packages with dry Kyiv jam (candied fruits).

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