Meeting with the president of Canadian international bureau of education

President of Canadian international bureau of edecuation Karen McBride visited NTU “KPI” on 28th of May. CIBE is a national, bilingual, unprofitable organization which represents Canada in international cooperation in educational sphere.

President McBride had a meeting with the rector of NTU “KPI” and academician of Ukrainian NAS Mikhailo Zgyrovsky, vice-rector of inernational relations and associate of Ukrainian NAS Sergiy Sydorenko, deputy manager of the Department of international cooperation Eugene Polischuk and others.

Seminar Project «PICTURE»

May,24 in NTU "KPI" the international seminar of the project «PICTURE» of 7th Framework Programme of the European Union in the field of information and communication technologies was held. Its participants were experts and representatives of non-governmental organizations, universities, research institutions and companies in Ukraine, Russia, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Moldova, Belarus, Greece and France.

The aim of the project «PICTURE» - strengthening cooperation between the European Union and the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia in the field of information and communication technologies. Therefore the theme of the seminar dealt with the specific directions and methods of such cooperation in the framework of «HORIZON 2020", which sets the main objectives and priorities of the European Commission in the field of research and innovation for the period up to 2020. The slogan of the "Strategy for growth and work" and the main direction of the strategy - "Excellent science", "modern industry" and "Best Company" succinctly describes its ideology and direction.

Agreement with the Harbin Institute of Technology

On the 16th of May, the agreement on the collaboration was signed by NTUU “KPI” and the Harbin Institute of Technology (PRC). It is the basic document which predetermines the development of cooperation and defines its main terms and conditions. It has provided a logical development for the traditions of partnership of the both universities originating from 1987.

The education establishment, the delegation of which has visited NTUU “KPI”, belongs to the group of the nine best universities of People’s Republic of China (RPC). Its faculties, schools and laboratories comprise the whole range of training of specialists for the work at real economic sectors. The university is especially proud of the subdivisions which conduct trainings of the future specialists who will work at the peak of scientific and technical progress, in particular, the best Space Exploration School in China. The Institute has also two branches.

China and Ukraine: the path space cooperation

From 9 to 13 December 2012 in Beijing (China) hosted the International Consultative Seminar "New sensors and measuring systems", organized by the Aerospace modern optoelectronic technology (Beijing Aerospace Times Optical-Electronic Technology Co., Ltd).

Visit of the representatives of the educational sector of Kazakhstan

On April, 3 in the course of preparation for the official visit of Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Serik Akhmetov to Ukraine NTUU "KPI" was visited by the Vice Minister of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Sayat Shayahmetova and vice-rector of Semipalatinsk State Pedagogical Institute Abzal Taltenov .

Cooperation Agreement with the University of Ondokuz Mayis

On April, 2 NTUU "KPI" concluded the cooperation agreement with university Ondokuz Mayis (t. Samsun, Turkish Republic). On behalf of Kiev Polytechnic the agreement was signed by the vice-chancellor with international relations, corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine Sergiy Sydorenko, on behalf of Ondokuz Mayis - rector professor Hussein Akan.

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