In "Kyiv Polytechnic" it was already mentioned that on October 24-26, 2017, in the Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth, the IX International Exhibition "Innovation in Modern Education" was held with the support and participation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In exhibition took participation people from 24 regions of Ukraine, from Canada, Poland, the USA, Slovakia, Austria, the Czech Republic and other countries, among them - the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky". The work of the exhibition was accompanied by more than 60 activities on topical issues of reforming the education sector.

The jury of a rating competition of an exhibition awarded the KPI with the highest distinction "A gold medal" in the nominations "Innovations in activities of a higher educational institution for internationalization of science and education" and  "The textbook or educational set for students", taking into account expert opinions of Content Modernization Institute of the Ministry of Education and Science in Ukraine on the quality and content of textbooks and manuals of new generation of authors, employees of the faculty of electronics in the KPI, K. Ivanko, N. Ivanushkina, V. Spivaka, A. Orlova, G. Vlasyuk, T. Gumen, S. Nayda, T. Zhelyaskovoi and professor, the deputy director of Educational and the Scientific Institute of Information and Diagnostic Systems of the National Aviation University, M. Gumen and the head of the department of electronics of the Dnieper State Technical University S. Meshchaninov.

Following workshops and tutorials included in the work were presented by the university at the exhibition:


1. The educational editions published according to the international European Tempus program:

  • The textbook is published in English, the bibliographic name in the original: Advances in Digital Processing of Low-Amplitude Components of Electrocardiosignals: Teaching book / K.Ivanko, N.Ivanushkina. – Kyiv, 2017. – 198 с. ISBN 978-966-8777-16-5.
  • – Навчальний посібник: Електронні методи і засоби біомедичних вимірювань/ С.К.Мещанінов, В.М.Співак, А.Т.Орлов. – К.: Кафедра, 2017. – 211 с. (ISBN 978-617-7301-18-8).

2. The textbooks published in an electronic format are also placed in an electronic resource on KPI library with access mode addresses:

  • – Основи теорії процесів в інформаційних системах. У 2-х кн. Кн. 1. Аналіз детермінованих процесів [Електронний ресурс]: підручник / М.Б.Гумен, В.М.Співак, С.К.Мещанінов, Г.Г.Власюк, Т.Ф.Гумен. – Київ: Кафедра,2017. – 281с. (ISBN 978-617-7301-29-4). Access mode
  • – Основи теорії процесів в інформаційних системах. У 2-х кн. Кн. 2. Аналіз випадкових процесів: підручник [Електронний ресурс] / М.Б.Гумен, В.М.Співак, С.К.Мещанінов, Г.Г.Власюк, Т.Ф.Гумен. – Київ: Кафедра, 2017. – 331 с. (ISBN 978-617-7301-30-0). Access mode

3. The textbook with a signature stamp "It is approved by the Academic Council of the National technical university of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute":

  • – Медичні та біоакустичні прилади і системи: Підручник / С.А.Найда, Т.М.Желяскова. – К: КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2017.– 269 с.

V.M. Spivak, Assoc. Professor of sound engineering and information registration

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