Olympiad in Mechanotronics

On November, 20-22 at the Department of Applied Mechanics and Aerohydromechanotronics of Institute of Mechanical Engineering a traditional Ukrainian Olympiad "Mechanotronics in Engineering” was held.

Consideration of Social and Ecologic Problems

On October 13, 2013 a conference for the 1-2 year students was held by the Department of Technical English (DTE) №1 on the subject of “Social and Ecologic Problems of the Modern World and the Conception of Steady Development of Ukraine in It” in the lecture room 101 of the 7-th building of our u

Magical Laboratory at IPT

Whatever you say, all the strange and mysterious attracts people like a magnet. And where is a strange - there is at once a magic.

The meeting with founder of company"Cloudozer"

The opportunity to discuss problems of our education, the prospects of IT development, technologies of storage information had students from NTUU"KPI" on October 22, 2013 at the meeting with the founder of the company " Cloudozer ", specialist of cloud computing and artificial intelligence Victor

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