«KPI-Open 2016»: ceremony of awarding the winners

In June, 8 there was an official ceremony of closing and awarding the winners of XI open international students Olympiad on programming n.a. S.Lebediev and V.Glushkov «KPI-Open 2016» in the Conference Hall of Academic Board of NTUU “KPI”.

Ukrainian TFEE Olympiad 2016

The second round of Ukrainian Student Olympiad on theoretical foundations of electrical engineering was held at the Department of Theoretical Electrical Engineering Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automation on 19May, 2016 in NTUU "KPI".

III International Conference on FL

April 21, 2016 was held III International conference "Languages of professional communication: lingvo-cultural, cognitive-discursive, Translation Studies and Methodological Aspects", organized by the Department of theory, practice and translation of French linguistics faculty "KPI".

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