New exhibit at the State Polytechnic Museum

     In December, the exposition at the State Polytechnic Museum under Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was replenished with a very interesting exhibit - tractor HTZ-15/30. We have got this tractor from the National History Museum of Ukraine.

Remember great predecessors. For the 120th anniversary of Igor Sikorsky KPI (S.O. Lebedev, P.A. Tutkovsky)

On the left, the bust of four Ukrainian scientists. Among them are a bust of the academician of the USSR, Creator of the first in continental Europe computer Sergiy Oleksievych Lebedev. Following the bust commemorates the first Ukrainian doctor of Geology, Professor, one of 12 first academicians of Ukrainian Academy of Science, academician of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences Pavel Apollonovich Tutkovsky.

Alexander Sergiyovich Boltenko has turned 75-years-old!

On the 5th December 2017, Alexander Boltenko, a Head of the Department of the history of the aviation and cosmonautics of the National Polytechnic Museum of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv ­Polytechnic Institute, a lieutenant colonel in resignation, the Head of the Ukrainian Central Council of veterans of the

The anniversary of rocket catastrophes in Baikonur

October 24, 2017 the State Polytechnic Museum in the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute” hosted a roundtable on two tragic dates - the 57th anniversary of the rocket catastrophe in October 24, 1960, which killed 74 people and another 52 died in hosp

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