135 Years Since the Birth of Igor Sikorsky

On this day, May 25, 1889, Igor Sikorsky was born - a world-famous student of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, a brilliant aircraft designer, tireless inventor and desperate pilot who conquered Europe and the United States.

Unique cars of the Second World War

Medevacs, infantry vehicles, military Fords, and a rare GAZ-61 were the vehicles used in two extremely important and little-known special operations of the anti-Hitler coalition, "Frank" and "Overlord."

Space Week in the Borys Paton State Polytechnic Museum

From October 4 to 10 this year, the world celebrated World Space Week for the thirty-fourth time. More than 80 countries held events dedicated to the achievements of mankind in space exploration, as well as the possibilities of integrating space technologies into business projects.

"Drawing the Future" exhibition in the DPM

On June 1, the whole world celebrated the International Children's Day. Unfortunately, the Children's Day in 2023 in Ukraine was held in the context of war. But it did not prevent the Charitable Foundation "Development. Children.

International Museum Day at the DPM

Every year on May 18, the State Polytechnic Museum named after Borys Paton at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute celebrates the International Museum Day.

PolyITAN-1 nanosatellite in the KPI Museum

On April 12, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Rocket and Space Industry Workers and the International Day of Aviation and Astronautics, which is dedicated to the first human space flight. On this occasion, our museum received a new exhibit - a prototype of the PolyITAN-1 nanosatellite.

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