Information day of “Horizon 2020” program

Its organizers were National Contact Points at the Igor Sikorsky KPI on the thematic areas “Information and communication technologies” and “Climate and resource efficiency, including raw materials”, National contact point of the Horizon 2020 program in the direction of “European Research Counci

Huawei's top managers’ meeting

       The delegation of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (People's Republic of China) under the leadership of the European Huawei Research University president  - Zhou Hong visited KI on 24 May.

Meeting with representatives of Korean Chonbuk National University

The main issues, discussed during the visit of the Korean delegation of Chonbuk National University (Chonbuk National University, or abbreviated CBNU) to Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute on May 2d were the ones connected with the establishment of the cooperation between both universities in educational and scientific spheres as well as creation of a joint innovation platform on the basis of the Science Park "Kyivska Politechnica".

International academic cooperation: success and issues

International scientific and educational cooperation is now one of the very important directions of the work of any modern university. Moreover, the performance indicators in this direction affect both its overall rating, and its economic ability and its popularity among entrants.

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